Sertar Larung Gar or Sertar Ngarig Buddhist Institute is a Buddhist academy located in the Larung valley. It was founded in 1980 by the Jigme Phuntsok, a Khenpo of Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism, it is a home to about 40000 monks and nuns, housing for monks and nuns divided by a winding road that divides the the Larung valley. And Larung Gar is the largest and one of the highest Buddhist institute in the world.

Serthar Larung Gar Monk’s main assembly hall.
Serta Larung Gar is originally founded by Dudjom Lingpa in the late 19thcentury, but expanded by the Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, consider to be the incarnation of Lerab Lingpa, who is the teacher of thousands monks and nuns of both Tibetan and Chinese origin. Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok used to travel widely in Europe and North America. Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok passed away in 2004.

monks debating session at Sertar Larung Gar
There are two main buildings which are the main study an pray places for monks and nuns. Monks’ study assembly hall is on the upper inside the monks districts and nuns assembly hall is the lower one which is inside the nuns district. Though both of these two buildings are closed by each other. Both Buildings at Larung Gar are three stores building, the lowest containing an assortment of small temples with concrete structures, the main assembly hall and the famous monastic college called Shedra of Larung gar are on the second storey. The highest level of teachings are hold in a small groups on the top storey. The other monastic style building is on the top of hill next to Larung Gar Hotel. This hilltop building is dominated by two spectacular chapels, the three dimensional Gyutrul Lhakhang, and the Tonpei Dekhang containing a large reclining Buddha. This is also the main place for pilgrims to make prostration and circumambulate around this golden building. Rest of the valley is the houses and huts of the monks and nuns which almost covered whole Larung valley.

Three nuns siting on a bench and enjoying warm day
Unlike other monasteries throughout Tibet, Larung Gar is managed not by high Lama or Abbot but managed by a group of high monks who received the Khenpo degree of Tibetan Buddhism. There are no special rank or treat for Lamas or reincarnated ones in this monastery. The only way to get higher rank is through study and exams. Once you pass the Khenpo degree, then you are ranked as Khenpo and you have a special role in this monastery.

The golden building on hilltop
Serta Larung Gar was closed for foreign visitors since 2015 and it still remain closed for foreigners. The monastery is accessible only through the main gate below the monastery and this place is strictly guarded by security personnel, so do not attempt to sneak or any way around it.
How to get to Sertar Larung Gar:
There are two types of transportations, one is local bus which runs from Markham and Ganzi every day but it could be difficult to find the bus station if you do not speak local language. The other one is hire private car from Luhuo, Ganzi, Markham, Padma. You will reach to Sertar town / Seda Xian. Then drive 15km north to the monastery.

nuns are heading to classroom at Lurung Gar