Dzongsar monastery is a Sakya monastery which is located in 100km east of Derge county in Sichuan Province of Kham Tibet region. It was originally a Bonpo monastery founded by a Bonpo Lama. The temples which were built by the Bonpo Lama remained until 1958. The original Bonpo monastery was converted into a Nyingma and a Kadampa temple at some stage. In 1275 it was founded as a Sakya monastery by Drogon Chogyal Phagpa on his return from mainland China.

The rock paintings on the way to Dzongsar from Derge.
Dzongsar used to between 300 and 500 permanent resident monks, But all the temples were destroyed in 1958, but rebuilding began in 1983 under the guidance of Dr. Lodro Phuntsok.

Monks residences and temples in Dzongsar Monastery.
The monastery had twenty three temples, large and small, and many important sacred rooms. It contained hermitages such as Khamshe Shekdra, Karmo Taktsang retreat centre, Gargu Shangchub Rihtrek retreat centre, Zamnang Pema Shelpuk, Zingkhok Trawo retreat centre, Tsedrak Drulphuk, Gyalgen Chungtak, Munong Dorjee Drakal, Tsa-chu-juk Chenresig Lhakang, Honda Thongthong Gyalpo, and others.

A beautiful monastery nearby Dzongsar Monastery in Dege County.
Dzongsar had a unique collection of Rimé scriptures and teachings, gathered by the proponents of the Rime movement, Jamgon Kongtrul, Chokyi Lingpa and Khyentse Wangpo. Although Dzongsar was a Sakya monastery by principle it was known to be flexible in its teachings and made it possible to study eight sects of Buddhism. The abbot of Dzongsar Monastery is Dzongsar Rinpoche who is living in Bhutan.
If you drive about 15km inside the valley, there is a huge retreat center located on the hill top where monks and nuns study and meditate.