Zhiduo County, also called Drito or Zhidoi, is referred to the area around the southern source of Yangtze River. It is a county located southwest of Qinghai Province , China, bordering the autonomous regions of Tibet to the west and Xinjiang to the northwest. Dritoi is under the administration of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and the county capital is being located at Gyelje Podrang. This is a typical nomadic town with one main street with some buildings of guesthouses, shops and restaurants line along the side of the road. The average altitude of this county is 4500m above sea level and the population is 29000 which most of them are ethic Tibetan.

Landscape in Zhiduo County, Qinghai, Kham Tibet.
From Drito, there are roads leading west towards the southern source of Yangtze in the Tangla range. Drito has a Geluk monastery called Gansar monastery, which currently has 150 monks, the assembly hall contains 10 m high images of Tsongkhapa and his foremost students.
The source of Yangtze is located in the far west of the Drito town, which is hardly access during the summer months. If you are holding a foreign passport, you are not allowed to go to this source at the time of writing this article June 2020.

Source of Yangtze River in Zhiduo County, Qinghai, Kham Tibet.
Similar to most of counties in Yushu Tibetan Prefecture, you have 2 ways to get Dritoi.
- Take fly to Yushu from Xining or Chengdu and then drive 190km to the northwest of Yushu.
- Drive from Xining to Yushu 800km and then continue on the road to Zhiduo at 190km northwest.

Wildlife Photography in Zhidoi County, Yushu, Kham Tibet
Accommodation at Drito is rather basic. Here are the only options you have at Dritoi.
- Zhiduo Hotel
- Zhiduo Tashi Guesthouse (Budongquan)
- Zhiduo Jujia Hotel